Applied Innovation.
Here are some distinctive innovations we’ve developed to give you the advantage over the competition.
Universal Accessory Voltage Control
Different vehicles require different types and sizes of power sources. So, we designed a controller that allows our customer’s products to convert voltage from their batteries, aligning it with the needs of their accessories, in a safe and efficient way.
Product Created:
A DC to DC converter that allows for us to dissipate voltage to safely integrate all sorts of additional accessories into HMI products.
Our Universal Accessory Voltage Controller Can:
Convert a large range of voltage (36-72 volts).
Dissipate a voltage range, making things more modular and flexible.
Convert DC voltage (DC to DC converter).
Products Built To Withstand The Elements
Many of our products can be run underwater, in the cold, and through pretty much any extreme element. We’re proud of the fact that our materials and designs function in depths of 3 meters and in temperatures between -40C and 85C. With over 1 million active products in the marketplace at any time, you can be assured that our products, whether we conduct the testing in-house or work with a 3rd party vendor, are designed and protected to withstand any element.
Product Created:
Sealed Clockspring
Our Sealed Clockspring Can:
Function underwater in depths up to 3 meters.
Work in any temperature a customer would experience.
Deliver power and signals to up to 12 circuits regardless of ecosystem conditions.
Provide power and signals to your existing steering wheel.
Function flawlessly with over a million rotations tested.
Products Personalized To Your Brand Experience
We realize that many of the products we work with have limited real estate to design or add new accessories. Because of this, we’re experts in designing accessories that seamlessly integrate with the human machine interface. This protects the integrity of the core product’s design.
Additionally, from the shape of the product to the colors, or from the logos to the engravings, each of our HMI products are designed to meet the branding needs of your core products. This allows you the opportunity to ensure that your brand is represented well, and that each product we create fits within the standards your organization has set. This also allows for unique customization that adds both technology and function, but also branding and sales ability for your team.
Product Created:
Heated Grips
Our Heated Grips Can:
Be designed to fit your product design, no matter how unique.
Be personalized with your logo.
Be shipped directly to the assembly line or packaged as an aftermarket accessory.
Create additional revenue streams for your core product, using your branding.
Integrate with the CAN bus system.
Ready to start your project?
Get a feasibility study done at no cost. Reach out to us today to get started.